Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I was looking for a word

that describes when you love to do a particular task or job so much that it baffles the brain to understand why there is such a pull towards that thing.

Willow (salix spp.) weaving is like the for me-- but even more specifically, I LOVE peeling willow bark off the wood, and this is what I have been doing these last couple days.

This task is best done this time of year when the sap is rising and the new leaves are just popping out-the bark is loose from the wood and comes off easily, leaving pure white willow rods behind.

I will be using the bark to make cordage, for basket making and (hopefully) will do a bit of fiber dyeing too.

I have been splitting or riving the willow in half, this too seems to be very easy at this time of year. You can tell if you've done a good job because you will see some of the pith on both halves. I seem to be doing a very good job of it! Splitting is accomplished by making a small cut in the center at the butt end of the willow then carefully prying the 2 sides apart. If the split gets off center, so you have a thicker and thinner side, you just need to bend the thicker side and it will go back to center. It helps if you keep a hold of the willow below the split so you have a bit more control to keep it in the center.

I am hoping (to finally) have plenty of time this summer for basket making, and will use this split willow for that purpose. The pure white will make a great contrast pattern!

I still have a small harvest in a bucket, here at home waiting to be peeled and split. Hoping I am able to harvest again before the bark attaches to the wood... mid to late June.

This is such a satisfying thing for me. The willow sap smells so deliciously sweet. I'm in heaven!
I hope there is something in your life you love as much as I do this!
till next time,