Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Butterflies and Zentangle

Dig those butterflies!

Here they are close-up...

Not the most in focus picture in the world, but hopefully you can see that they are a bit 3D.

I do substitute teaching (AKA 'supply teaching' in England). During the school year I sub in the classrooms at various schools in the area and then after school, and vacations I am a sub for the Y programs.

This art project was a combined effort by myself and Julia, one of my little charges, at the Y summer camp at Thatcher Brook School in Waterbury, VT. She made the awesome butterflies. Drew them free hand, cut them out and colored them. While I did the 'zentangle' drawing.

Zentangle art is a fun way to doodle really. Filling spaces and shapes with patterns. It requires no particular artistic skill and is very relaxing. A good way to silence the sometimes relentless chatter in my head (that little voice that finds it necessary to remind me of every last item on my 'to do' list-or my long list of failures... you know the one i'm talking about?!)

Good too because all you need is a single mark making tool- pencil, pen, marker, crayon... and something to make marks on like the ever popular piece of paper or the back of an envelope... a napkin (one of my very favorite especially when paired with a fine felt tip pen)... your leg... a piece of fabric... a wall even!

A stick and the expanse of sand at a beach works too.

There are times, in the midst of an art project when I seem to be getting nowhere fast, and the end is nowhere in sight.

It's like I imagine writers block must be like.

I need to stop. Walk away.

Times like that I will often get a pen and paper, and do a little doodling to restore me.

True, there are times when more is required...
Like a cup of tea.
Or a walk.
Or a nap.
Or all of the above!

But doodling is one of my 'go to' things when I need to reset my brain.
So. Try googling zentangle images and have a look at all the wonderful little pieces of artwork that pop up!

For me, it's back to the drawing board...
till next time.


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