Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rustic Willow Wreaths

So. Big surprise.
I'm a wee bit behind in posting.
Someday, I might actually get around to posting events before they happen.
In the meantime..

December 13th I did a workshop at the Waterbury Public Library. Yes, you guessed it, "Rustic Willow Wreaths" (with a little seasonal "bling" added to the finished product).

It was a great group of folks and a really fun morning. I got to share my passion for willow and a bit about it's local history-- Waterbury, Vermont is the location of the first willow factory in the United States. In 1856, the Colby brothers built a machine to peel the bark off willow withies, bought an old starch factory on a 30 acre tract of land already planted with willow, and set about weaving carriage bodies, baskets and other products.

For those of you who are local, the Colby factory was located where the Shaw's grocery store is today.

Can I just say how cool it is to be weaving willow just down the road from that factory... 160 years later... carrying on a traditional craft!

So. Here are all the wonderful workshop participants... we started out with a little lesson on willow husbandry and history and then got to it.

here they all are 'taking the spite out' of their willow withies...

some folks got a little creative with the banister and saved their knees!

and then on to the wreath making...

and embellishing...

then, TADA!
here we all are, 2 hours later with our beautiful willow wreaths! A fun time was had by all!

with love and heartfelt wishes for a Happy New Year!

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